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Signs You Have a Hidden Auto Injury That Needs Treatment

Written By Caputo Chiropractic Center on December 15, 2024

Woman holding her neck in pain after auto accidentBeing in a car accident is stressful and traumatic. After the accident, you may be experiencing a lot of different emotions, and adrenaline may be affecting your ability to recognize auto injury symptoms. At Caputo Chiropractic Center, our chiropractor Dr. Thomas Caputo recommends immediate evaluation after an auto accident. Dr. Caputo can complete a physical examination and diagnostic testing to determine if you have a hidden auto injury in Suwanee, GA. Here are some of the signs you may have an auto injury that requires care and treatment.

Recurring or Persistent Pain

Any recurring or persistent pain after being in a car accident is a sign of an underlying injury. The most common auto injuries in adults are whiplash, concussion, head injury, spinal injury, bruising and contusions, broken or fractured bones, dislocated shoulder or knee, and muscle sprains or strains. 

Stiffness or Loss of Range of Motion

Stiffness and loss of range of motion of the neck are common symptoms. You may have a sprained or strained muscle, joint injury, inflammation, whiplash, or a slipped or herniated disc. 

Headaches and Migraines

You may consider headaches and migraines to be minor symptoms, but they can indicate an underlying injury. Headaches and migraines are a common complication of whiplash, head injury, concussion, and some spinal injuries. 

Dizziness or Confusion

Head injuries can cause dizziness or confusion if they aren’t properly treated. A neck injury or whiplash can also cause a condition called cervicogenic vertigo, which can make you feel very dizzy and disoriented. 

Depression, Anxiety, or Mood Swings

It’s very common to feel anxious or depressed after being in a car accident. Depression, anxiety, and mood swings can also be a complication of an auto injury, particularly injuries like neck pain and concussion. If you don’t feel like you are in control of your emotions and you have other symptoms like headaches, dizziness, pain, and stiffness, you may have whiplash or a head injury.

Trouble Concentrating or Memory Lapses

Whiplash and head injuries can cause neurological symptoms like difficulty concentrating or memory lapses. If you feel like you have been in a fog since your accident, are having trouble remembering simple things, and can’t concentrate on work or your hobbies, you should visit Dr. Caputo for a screening for whiplash and concussion.

Don’t Ignore Symptoms of Auto Injuries - Call Today

Don’t ignore symptoms of auto injuries, as they will just get worse over time and can cause complications like chronic pain, stiffness, and discomfort. Dr. Caputo has 30 years of experience assessing injuries and designing personalized plans for chiropractic auto injury treatment. Call to schedule an appointment or book an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Treatment